
lead pastor - FULL-TIME Position

Thank you for the recommendations to the search team in the past year. As we continue the search we will utilize a search firm to help fill the vacancy. All candidates can apply through this website. Feel free to check it out and share with anyone you could imagine answering God’s call to serve at Community.


Mark Janowski
Pastor of Discipleship and Youth

Mark began serving as Pastor of Discipleship and Youth at Community Church in February of 2019. He is married to Alicia, and they have three puppies: a husky/retriever mix named Arie, and two German Shepherds named Mila and Kodi. Mark is passionate about discipleship in the church, walking alongside of believers of all ages at all stages of their faith journey as they seek to draw closer to Christ. In addition to his role at Community, Mark currently serves as a chaplain in the Michigan Army National Guard, ministering to the soldiers of his battalion. Mark and Alicia both love reading, watching movies, hiking, camping, and exercising. 


Laryn Zoerhof
Minister of Pastoral Care

Laryn is married to Leta and they have been blessed with four children and eight grandchildren. He served as a pastor in five Christian Reformed Churches.  In April of 2023 he began serving as a part-time minister of pastoral care at Community CRC. In his leisure time he enjoys playing golf.


Kyle Vanderzee
Director of Worship and the Arts

Kyle has served as Director of Worship and the Arts at Community Church since 2008. He is married to Joanna. Kyle and Jo are the proud parents of three girls and one boy: Autumn, Hannah, Sophia, and Charlie. Kyle has a passion for creating services that are Biblical, fresh, and rooted. Kyle enjoys hosting small groups, hiking, and any time spent on or around Lake Michigan.

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Julie Sylvester
Director of Children’s Ministries

Julie began working at Community Church in June 2020.  She was an elementary school teacher for many years, but now loves focusing on the spiritual growth of children.   She is married to Brian and they have two adult children, Kayla and Josh.  Julie enjoys reading, visiting state and national parks, taking the dog on hikes, and all types of music. 


Lisa King

Lisa joined the staff in October 2016. She and her husband, Phil, have four grown children. Two are married. They enjoy being grandparents. Lisa and Phil have been near lifelong residents of Newton County and care about its people. Lisa enjoys crocheting, reading, Bible study and crafting with friends. She can be found in the church office Monday through Friday working on the church bulletin and other usual office duties.

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Marjie den Dulk
Women’s Ministries Coordinator

Marjie den Dulk has been involved in Women's Ministry for more than 20 years and has recently joined staff as our Women's Ministry Coordinator.  Five in-laws have been added to Gil and Marjie's 5 children and the number of grand kids keep going up!  She loves to travel, especially to California - their previous home, and is trying to keep up with life and all the blessings of a busy family.  Marjie is thankful for this opportunity to be part of the women of Community who are seeking to know God and His best for them.


Kelly Dykshorn
director of communications

Kelly has been a member of Community Church since 2009. She married her high school sweetheart and they have 3 children together. She has been involved in several outreach programs and youth groups throughout the years. She loves connecting with people and is ready to help others move forward in their faith journey and take those next steps. When not at church Kelly is with her family and they love camping, hiking, going to the race track and swimming.


Tim Stegenga
Lead Custodian

john o’brien

Church council

The Church Council at Community Church Roselawn is made up of nine Elders, nine Deacons, and Pastors Jim and Mark.

Elders, with the ministers, shall oversee the doctrine and life of the members of the congregation and fellow office bearers, shall exercise admonition and discipline along with pastoral care in the congregation, shall participate in and promote evangelism, and shall defend the faith.

Deacons empower members of their own congregation and partner with neighboring churches, Christian services, and local social agencies. Deacons, to touch people’s lives as Christ’s hands and feet, focuses mainly on the following areas:

  • Compassion: Model and demonstrate compassion to those who are hurting with words of hope and actions for encouragement including caring for the elderly and benevolent needs of the disadvantaged.

  • Community Ministry: Model and encourage the congregation to be engaged in ministry within their local communities.

  • Stewardship: Encourage church members to be stewards of God’s creation and to practice authentic stewardship with their time, talents, and money.

  • Justice: Model and encourage the congregation to be advocates for and with the marginalized and vulnerable people in their own local community.


Steve Bos - Administrative Elder, President of Council

Mark Hubers - Administrative Elder, VP of Council

Tim Krivickas - Administrative Elder, Clerk of Council

Tim Coffer - Blue Care Group, Chair of Pastoral Elders

Kevin Porte - Yellow Care Group, Clerk of Pastoral Elders

Marv Veld - White Care Group

Jake Dawson - Red Care Group

Art VanKley - Purple Care Group

John Earnshaw - Green Care Group


Gerrit den Dulk - Administrative Deacon, Treasurer

Michael Johnson - Administrative Deacon, Asst. Treasurer

Dan Hilarides - Administrative Deacon

Robert den Dulk - Green & Blue Care Group, Chairman of Deacons

Justin Goodman - White Care Group, Offering Lead

Jim Hamstra - Red Group, Benevolence Lead

Mike Miller - Purple Care Group, Secretary of Deacons

John Millard - Yellow Care Group